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- The institute
- Teams
- Juan Estaun Panzano
- Axel Palaude
- Rodrigue Ortolé
- Naomi Chaix-Eichel
- Eduarda Gervini Zampieri Centeno
- Anthony Strock
- Subba Reddy Oota
- Nicolas Prudon
- Chloé Mercier
- Nikolaos Vardalakis
- Hugo Chateau-Laurent
- Cynthia Alkhoury Abboud
- Margaux Teil
- Anthony Cunha
- Roman Ursu
- Remya Sankar
- Snigdha Dagar
- Jérémy Cousineau
- Alexia Duveau
- Keri-Ann Charles
- Sophie Gauthier
- Lise Guillhemsang
- Fjola Hyseni
- Zoé Grivet
- Mélody Labarchède
- Victor Nozais
- Valentin Plateau
- Irene Sanchez Mieassierra
- Clara Besserer
- Anaëlle Braine
- Morgane Darricau
- Margaux Lebouc
- Bhargav Teja Nallapu
- Marie Penayvare
- Marine Persillet
- Silvia Pagliarini
- Loïc Labache
- Eléonore Bertin
- Celine Duffau
- Marie-Laure Arotcarena
- Miguel Lopez Cuina
- Aurélien NIOCHE
- Paul-Arnaud GUERIN
- Bastien RIBOT
- Marion BOSC
- Alice PULGA
- Charlotte HERICE
- Benjamin BESSIERES
- Gratianne RABILLER
- Marianne ALLANIC
- Janice HAU
- Mathieu BOURDENX
- Mathieu SCHMITT
- Fares BASSIL
- Mathieu TAILLADE
- Jean Yves ROTGE
- Johan-Till POUGNET
- Camille PIRON
- Damien G. MARIE
- Florian LARRUE
- Nicolas LANBOURG
- Virginie LAMBRECQ
- Mélanie LAGIERE
- Lionel FROUX
- Stéphanie ETIENNE
- Michel ENGELN
- Quentin DURIEZ
- Jonathan CHETRIT
- Sandrine CAMUS
- Marie-Charlotte BOUTONNET
- Simone BIDO
- Amandine BERTHET
- Matthieu BASTIDE
- Azzedine ABDI
- Louis-Philippe BERNIER
- Pathophysiology of proteinopathies
- Purinergic Neuroinflammation and Brain Disorders
- Dopamine and neuronal assemblies
- Network dynamics of procedural learning
- Neurofunctional Imaging Group
- Monoamines, Parkinson and Pain
- Computational Neuroscience
- NeuroDTx: Neuromodulation and Digital Therapeutics
- Pathophysiology of neuron-oligodendrocyte interactions
- Neuroscience, Humanities and Society
- Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives Clinique
- SynTeam
- Support for research
- Postdoctoral position – Pathogenesis of Multiple System Atrophy
- Portrait: Karine Massé, Assistant Professor in Biology at IMN and University of Bordeaux
- Portrait: Maëlle, Master Student in Neurosciences at IMN
- Portrait: Alba Garcia Baos, Post Doctoral Researcher at IMN
- Portrait: Claire Mazzocco, Neuroscience Research Engineer at IMN
- Portrait : Sara Carracedo, PhD Student at IMN
- Nous recrutons un Gestionnaire d'Infrastructure !
- Francesca De Giorgi, winner of the FRM 2024 call for proposals "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding the Fundamental Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases"
- Innovation : nos lauréats pour les AAP SPARK et Prématuration
- Obtention d'ANR 2024
- Benjamin Dehay, lauréat 2024 du Prix Marie-Paule Burrus de la FRM
- Parution de « Neurosciences, un discours néolibéral », de François Gonon
- Nicolas Rougier interviewed by Charlie Hebdo
- ANR 2024
- Interview : Anne Collins
- Laureates of the Bordeaux Neurocampus Doctoral Research Award 2024
- Bordeaux Neurocampus is rallying for Huntington
- A brain imaging study reveals how the brain decodes the social significance of facial ornaments
- A treatment for diabetes may slow the progression of Parkinson's disease
- Sport Even : CervoRun
- The SynTeam team co-directed by Francesca De Giorgi and François Ichas joins IMN
- Rémi Kinet awarded AAP Mature Your PhD+ 2023 prize !
- FENS Voices | Elba Molpeceres Sierra: A strong motivation and a clear vision
- Vincent Planche awarded Joël Ménard Prize
- Eduarda Centeno Awarded "Irv and Helga Cooper Open Science Prize"
- A spinal cord neuroprosthesis for locomotor deficits due to Parkinson’s disease
- SBM scientific day: Research on the Biology and Diseases of Ageing in Bordeaux
- Workshop « Open Science »
- FKNE Symposium: Cellular & Circuit Dynamics in Learning & Memory Exemplaire
- BrainConf 2023: « Comparative neuronal circuits for adaptive behavior »
- Conférence : « Biais cognitifs de genre : Origines, Chiffres, Conséquences & Perspectives »
- Neuroscience Alliance – OHBM East Atlantic Chapter
- Seminar – ChatGPT
- Course: Controversies in Parkinson’s Disease Research
- Bordeaux Neurocampus Day 2022
- 19th Synapse and Network Day
- Doctoral Research Award Day
- Reproducibilitea session
- GPR BRAIN_2030 Day
- Quiz: « Who wants to be a neuroscientist? »
- Semaine du cerveau 2022
- cell communication
- The "semaine du cerveau" at the IMN
- Thomas Boraud co-edited a special issue of Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B
- 2 publications of IMN are highlighted
- IMN highlighted by Nature Communications
- Erwan Beard received the Rachel Ajzen et Léon Iagolnitzer prize from FRM
- What is IMN ?
- « How the Brain Makes Decision »
- IMN's researchers granted by ANR
- FRM grants
- The PD-BSI project is granted
- Blue space between clouds: extracellular space in Parkinson's disease
- Fabien Wagner joins us
- 2019 Medical Research Foundation Award
- In what ways does artificial intelligence use neuroscience?
- Synapses to behavior with Dopamine
- Towards a reproducible research
- 13th IBAGS meeting, in Biarritz
- Visit of a donor
- Mental health, education, brain aging: IMN researchers discuss them in Périgueux
- IMN taking part in the creation of the International Association for Comparative Medicine (IACM)
- A run for the benefit of research on the Brain
- Open position for an in vitro electrophysiologist
- Neurocampus Winter Party
- The 2018 ARSLA young investigator price...
- Bring the laboratory bench to the patient's bed
- Postdoctoral position
- PhD student position
- Research Topic titled "Purinergic Signaling in Health and Disease"
- Gary, the salamander who indicates his football prognosis
- Bordeaux Neurocampus Summer Party
- Images dedicated to science
- Visit of the Chief Executive Officer of CNRS
- Emmanuel Mellet on France 5 TV channel...
- Tribute to Giselle Charron
- Estelle: her thesis in 180 seconds
- Biomeeting #24 : neuroscience at the heart of innovation
- The reliability of anatomical connectivity data of the human brain challenged by 20 international teams of research in diffusion imaging and tractography.
- Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer participated in the forum "Science, Recherche et Société"
- Inauguration of the Ginesislab common laboratory
- 12th Biennial conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience
- IMN will be present at the SFN meeting in Washington
- The Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux Neurocampus inaugural video
- Inauguration of the "Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine"
- Decision making in the pocket!
- Welcome to Arthur and his zebra finches
- IMN at The Gordon Research Conference
- A visit under high protection
- IMN presents its recent results at NeuroFrance 2017
- Special evening "Pint of Science"
- Towards new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases
- Seeking for a Post-Doc in the Ginesislab
- A 10-year project
- Thank to the Rotary Club of Libourne Saint Emilion
- Job offer
- Professional development: In the intimacy of the brain
- Creation of the Ginesis Lab
- A final pre-delivery visit
- HDR Defense Committee
- Miniantibodies Reduce Inflammation and Pain
- A landmark paper from the IdEx-funded EXTRABRAIN project has come to light this week
- Looking for a name
- AAL: a human brain atlas ranked second in the "top 100 cited" CEA publication
- IMN led the experimental validation of a neuroprosthesis: published today in Nature
- Fêtes les vins kms de Saint-Emilion
- Defenses of the end of the year
- When IMN's researchers speak to learn
- The IMN participated to the Grand Brainstorming at the Village des Sciences
- Dr. Dehay interviewed by "Le Monde"
- Home stretch
- The Grand Scientific Award 2016 of the Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca
- Excellence Initiative of University of Bordeaux confirmed
- Visit of the building site
- Xavier: in silico deus ex machina
- Fox Trial Finder : an international collaboration
- A race in the vineyards of Saint-Emilion to support research on brain diseases
- In Netherlands, discreetly ...
- When Art & Neuroscience Make One
- Portrait of François, a new researcher in our laboratory
- At the beginning of the year, we welcome….
- A 2-year post-doctoral position
- 11th European Congress of Neuropathology
- Action for Professional Development : in the intimacy of the brain
- Defenses of the end of the year
- 2-year postdoctoral position
- Group Leader Position in Neuroscience
- Best Paper Award
- Karine Massé, a new arrival
- The Neurofunctional Imaging Group receives grant funding to join the FLAG-ERA Human Brain Project
- The Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago
- IMN on social networks: more than 3,000 visitors
- BIND (Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders), french center of excellence
- 10 months after the laying of the first stone
- Matière à décision
- Visit of the building
- Symposium Globus Pallidus
- In 2016, IMN will be relocated to a new building
- A new high field MRI scanner at Bordeaux Carreire
- Team leaders are preparing the visit of the HCERES committee
- Erwan Bezard received the "Grand Prix 2014" of the "Fondation de France"
- Foundation stone laying ceremony of the last building of the "neurocampus" project
- Yann Arthus-Bertrand, godfather of the clinical IMN
- Brain Week 2023
- Neurofrance 2017: Neuroscience congress in Bordeaux
- International MITOBRAIN conference
- 2nd international symposium "New Therapeutic Avenues in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders"
- First year of health studies
- Life Sciences bachelor's degree
- Mathematics and computer science applied to human and social sciences bachelor's degree
- Neurosciences and Neuropsychopharmacology master degree
- Cognitives Sciences master degree
- Nutrient sciences and human nutrition master degree
- Bioinformatics master degree
- Bioimaging master degree
- Nurse - anaesthetics school
- Enseirb-Matmeca Engineering school
- Latin American Summer School in Computational Neuroscience, Chili
- Speech therapist certificate