The 2018 ARSLA young investigator price…
The ARSLA young investigator price has been awarded to Eleonore Bertin, PhD student in co-direction with Eric Boué-Grabot (IMN) and Sandrine Bertrand (INCIA).
This price received during the ARSLA research days awards her work on the role of P2X4 receptors in the pathogenesis of a devastating disease, the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
This collaborative project between two Institutes of Bordeaux Neurocampus is supported by ARSLA and LabEx BRAIN of Bordeaux.
Read more (in french) in the last issue of the ARSLA newsletter (association pour la recherche sur la sclérose latérale amyotrophique et autres maladie du motoneurone) page 32-33 here
Congratulations to Eleonore!