Defenses of the end of the year
Many of our students finish their theses, so many defenses will occur at the end of the year:
- Sophie MAINGAULT , supervisor: Fabrice Crivello, Thursday, September 29th, 2:00 pm, CGFB, salle de conférences, title : “Surface-based characterization of healthy human adult cortex: An investigation of its morphological variability, late maturation and asymmetries“
- Meropi TOPALIDOU , supervisor: Nicolas Rougier, Monday, October 10th, 2:00 pm, INRIA, salle Ada Lovelace, title : “Neuroscience of decision making: from goal-directed actions to habits“
- Maxime CARRERE, supervisor: Frédéric Alexandre, Tuesday, October 11th, 2:00 pm, CGFB, salle de conférences, title : ” Combiner les apprentissages motivés et associatifs”
- Charlotte HERICE, supervisor: André Garenne, Monday, November 21st, 2:00 pm, INRIA, salle Ada Lovelace, title : “Mécanismes de la sélection de l’action et de la prise de décision dans les ganglions de la base : approche par un modèle connexionniste “
- Brice DE LA CROMPE DE LA BOISSIERE, supervisor: Thomas Boraud, Friday, December 9th, 2:30 pm, salle de conférences, bâtiment Neurocampus, title: “Etude dynamique de la génération des oscillations beta dans la maladie de Parkinson: approche électrophysiologique et optogénétique“
- Marion BOSC, supervisor: Thomas Michelet, Friday, December 16th, 1:30 pm, salle de conférences, bâtiment Neurocampus, title : “Doubt-related checking in non-human primate: a behavioral and electrophysiological study“
- Alice PULGA, supervisor: Jean-Luc Morel, Tuesday, December 20th, 2:30 pm, Salle des Séminaires, Bât. B2, title: “Dynamics of the cerebral microvasculature during the course of memory consolidation in the rat: physiological and altered conditions induced by hypertension and hypergravity“