8 November 2022

Bordeaux Neurocampus Day 2022

The next Bordeaux Neurocampus Day will take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at the Domaine du Haut-Carré.

Registrations are closed

This day is open to members of Bordeaux Neurocampus and to researchers in neuroscience from the University of Bordeaux and the University of Poitiers.


Domaine du Haut-Carré, Talence.
43 rue Pierre Noailles – Talence
Access (maps.google.com)

List of posters (pdf)


8h30 – 9h – Welcome coffee

9h – 9h05 – Welcoming speech, by Jérôme Baufreton, director of Bordeaux Neurocampus

Session 1 – Chaired by Ourania Semelidou, Magendie (Post-doc – Team : Frick)

9h05 – 9h35 – Jean-Paul Lasserre, INCIA (MCU – Team; Goizet/Stévanin)
The baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model and tool for BPAN pathology

9h35 – 9h50 – Nathalie Piette, IINS (PhD student, Team: Studer)
Synapse on a chip : A quantitative model to investigate synaptogenesis

9h50 – 10h20 – Alexis Dubreuil, IMN (CR CNRS – Team: Mallet/Leblois)
On the role of population structure in neural computations

10h20 – 10h50 – Coffee break

Session 2 – Chaired by Lachlan Ferguson, INCIA (Post-doc – team: Wolff)

10h50 – 11h05 – Monica Fernandez Monreal, BIC (IR)
Expansion microscopy, a great alternative to get super-resolved images

11h05 – 11h35 – Naoya Takahashi, IINS (Team leader)
Cortical dendrites modulate touch sensitivity

11h35 – 11h50 – Camille Allard, Magendie (Post-doc – Team: Cota)
Cannabinoid receptors type 1: it’s not all in your head

11h50 – 12h20 – Pierre Trifilieff, NutriNeuro (Team leader)
Brain lipids do matter: from biophysical effects to psychiatric disorders

12h20 – 14h00 : Lunch

13h00 – 14h00 : Posters

14h00 – 14h45 – Institutional talks:
. 14h00 – 14h15 – GPR BRAIN_2030, by Daniela Cota
. 14h15 – 14h35 – Bordeaux Neurocampus Parity Committee, by Sandrine Cremona and Michel Thiebault de Schotten
. 14h35 – 14h45 – Bordeaux Neurocampus : Events and communication, by Arnaud Rodriguez

Session 3 – Chaired by Ankur Gupta, IMN (Post-doc – team: Wagner)

14h45 – 15h00 – Alessandro Piccin, INCIA (Post-doc – Team: Wolff)
Role of prefrontal noradrenergic signaling in flexible behavior

15h00 – 15h30 – Thomas Bienvenu, Magendie (MCU – Team: Herry)
Frontal oscillations in pathological anxiety, from bench to bedside

15h30 – 15h45 – Anaëlle Braine, IMN (PhD student – Team: Georges/Baufreton)
Building bridges between limbic and motor circuits: anatomical and functional characterization of amygdala-striatal pathway

15h45 – 16h15 – Florian Pécune, Sanpsy (Junior professor)
Acceptability and efficacy of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Companion to Treat Insomniac Complaints


16h15 – 17h00 – Posters & drinks

17h00 – 18h30 – Wine & cheese

17h30 – Poster prize announcement


 List of posters (pdf)

A poster prize, with 3 prizes of 400 euros each, will be organised with the support of Casden.