Network dynamics of procedural learning
LEBLOIS Arthur, CNRS Researcher MALLET Nicolas, CNRS Researcher
AUPY Jérôme (Assistant Professor/Physician) BORAUD Thomas (CNRS Research Director) BURBAUD Pierre (Researcher/Physician) CUNY Emmanuel (PU-PH) DEFFAINS Marc (CNRS Researcher) DUBREUIL Alexis (CNRS Researcher) GUEHL Dominique (Researcher/Physician) NGUYEN Tho Haï (Assistant engineer) RODRIGUEZ Raphaël (Technician) BESSERER Clara (Post-doctoral Student ) BRAINE Julien (Post-doctoral Student) GUILHEMSANG Lise (Post-doctoral Student) CHIBANI Léa (PhD Student ) COURTIN Edouard (PhD Student) DEJEAN Simon (PhD Student) GUERRERO MARQUEZ Carmen (PhD Student ) LEITE GUERRA Yasmin de Lourdes (PhD Student) NICOLLIN Elena (PhD Student) SIMIC Milesa (PhD Student)
For any further information, please contact Dr Arthur LEBLOIS ou Dr Nicolas MALLET.
Research subject
Our team aims at understanding the biological and computational principles underlying motor control and procedural learning both in normal and pathological conditions (i.e. Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, or epilepsy).
We study the properties of neural networks in various brain circuits linking areas of the cortex, to the basal ganglia and the cerebellum across a wide range of species (including newts, songbirds, rodents and primates). The ambitious nature of our research, that is to understand the complex dynamics of neuronal networks, requires the constant development of innovative methods, both experimental: large-scale in vivo electrophysiological/optical recordings coupled with circuit-specific perturbations (such as opto/pharmacogenetics and closed-loop behavioural manipulations), and theoretical: analysis and simulations of biologically realistic models.
Our team also relies on strong interactions between scientists performing fundamental research and clinicians working at the hospital with patients with the ultimate goal to push forward the translational impact of our discoveries.
Latest publications
Criteria : Author : "arthur,leblois;nicolas,mallet,thomas,boreau;pierre,burbaud;marc,deffains;alexis,dubreuil", Publication type : "('ART')"
Number of occurrences founded : 73.
- titre
- Protocol for extracellular recordings in the external globus pallidus of the behaving/awake monkey
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- Shiran Katabi, Zvi Israel, Hagai Bergman, Marc Deffains
- article
- STAR Protocols, 2024, 5 (2), pp.103081. ⟨10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103081⟩
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- Brain Stimulation, 2024, 17 (1), pp.104-106. ⟨10.1016/j.brs.2023.12.012⟩
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- hal-04416125
- titre
- Usefulness of thalamic beta activity for closed-loop therapy in essential tremor
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- Dominique Guehl, Etienne Guillaud, N. Langbour, Emilie Doat, N. Auzou, E. Courtin, O. Branchard, J. Engelhardt, A. Benazzouz, A. Eusebio, E. Cuny, Pierre Burbaud
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2023, 13 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-023-49511-5⟩
- identifiant
- hal-04409319
- titre
- A response to claims of emergent intelligence and sentience in a dish
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- Fuat Balci, Suliann Ben Hamed, Thomas Boraud, Sébastien Bouret, Thomas Brochier, Cédric Brun, Jeremiah Cohen, Etienne Coutureau, Marc Deffains, Valérie Doyère, Georgia Gregoriou, J. Alexander Heimel, Bjørg Elisabeth Kilavik, Daeyeol Lee, Eric Leuthardt, Zachary Mainen, Mackenzie Mathis, Ilya Monosov, Jérémie Naudé, Amy Orsborn, Camillo Padoa-Schioppa, Emmanuel Procyk, Bernardo Sabatini, Alireza Soltani, Jérôme Sallet, Carmen Sandi, Jeffrey Schall, Karel Svoboda, Charles R.E. Wilson, Jan Zimmermann
- article
- Neuron, 2023, 111 (5), pp.604-605. ⟨10.1016/j.neuron.2023.02.009⟩
- identifiant
- hal-04012408
- titre
- How does Tourette syndrome impact adolescents’ daily living? A text mining study
- auteur
- Cyril Atkinson-Clement, Marion Duflot, Eloise Lastennet, Leïla Patsalides, Emma Wasserman, Therese-Marie Sartoris, Clément Tarrano, Charlotte Rosso, Pierre Burbaud, Emmanuelle Deniau, Virginie Czernecki, Emmanuel Roze, Andreas Hartmann, Yulia Worbe
- article
- European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2023, 32 (12), pp.2623-2635. ⟨10.1007/s00787-022-02116-1⟩
- identifiant
- hal-04351255