NeuroDTx: Neuromodulation and Digital Therapeutics
GUPTA Ankur (Research Engineer) TAILLADE Mathieu (Engineer / Technician) BRIHMAT Nabila (Post-Doctorantal Researcher) ANDRIANTSOABEROMANGE Maéva (PhD Student ) BOISSENIN Adrien (PhD Student ) REYNES Mathilde (PhD Student )
Research subject
Over the past few years, our team has initiated a multifaceted research program that aims at developing new neuromodulation strategies and neuroprosthetic systems for improving motor and cognitive functions in neurological disorders. We believe that this field requires a synergistic approach between neuromodulation / neuroprosthetics and computational neuroscience, two aspects led collaboratively by Dr. Fabien Wagner (CNRS) and Dr. Amélie Aussel (Inria). We are currently conducting the following projects:
- Biophysical models of the neural circuits that produce cognition, especially memory and attention, and how they are affected by neurostimulation.
- Personalized physical models of the head and brain based on neuroimaging (CT, anatomical and diffusion MRI) to determine the distribution of the electric field induced by various neurostimulation methods and the affected brain structures.
- Invasive neurostimulation in non-human primates for improving memory using novel intracranial brain implants that target large-scale brain networks identified by submillimeter MRI protocols. The MEMOPROSTHETICS project is funded by an ERC starting grant led by Dr. Fabien Wagner (2022-2027).
- Non-invasive brain and spinal cord stimulation for improving motor and cognitive functions after spinal cord injury and stroke. This project is funded by a fellowship from the “Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale” (FRM) attributed to Dr. Nabila Brihmat (2024-2027), and is performed in collaboration with Dr. Hélène Cassoudesalle from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation department at the CHU-BDX.
- Multimodal digital therapeutics for improving cognition in neurovascular disorders using EEG biomarker identification, high-definition transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), and cognitive training. This effort is part of the new Vascular Brain Health Institute ( and involves a collaboration with Pr. Stéphanie Debette (CHU-BDX), Dr. Fabien Lotte (Inria) and Dr. Hélène Sauzéon (Inria).
Latest publications
Criteria : Author : "fabien-wagner;1149577", Publication type : "('ART')"
Number of occurrences founded : 16.
- titre
- A dynamical computational model of theta generation in hippocampal circuits to study theta-gamma oscillations during neurostimulation
- auteur
- Nikolaos Vardalakis, Amélie Aussel, Nicolas P. Rougier, Fabien B Wagner
- article
- eLife, In press, 12, ⟨10.7554/eLife.87356.3⟩
- identifiant
- hal-04383365
- titre
- Neuroprosthetics: from sensorimotor to cognitive disorders
- auteur
- Ankur Gupta, Nikolaos Vardalakis, Fabien Bertrand Paul Wagner
- article
- Communications Biology, 2023, 6, ⟨10.1038/s42003-022-04390-w⟩
- identifiant
- hal-03947149
- titre
- Activity-dependent spinal cord neuromodulation rapidly restores trunk and leg motor functions after complete paralysis
- auteur
- Andreas Rowald, Salif Komi, Robin Demesmaeker, Edeny Baaklini, Sergio Daniel Hernandez-Charpak, Edoardo Paoles, Hazael Montanaro, Antonino Cassara, Fabio Becce, Bryn Lloyd, Taylor Newton, Jimmy Ravier, Nawal Kinany, Marina D’ercole, Aurélie Paley, Nicolas Hankov, Camille Varescon, Laura Mccracken, Molywan Vat, Miroslav Caban, Anne Watrin, Charlotte Jacquet, Léa Bole-Feysot, Cathal Harte, Henri Lorach, Andrea Galvez, Manon Tschopp, Natacha Herrmann, Moïra Wacker, Lionel Geernaert, Isabelle Fodor, Valentin Radevich, Katrien van den Keybus, Grégoire Eberle, Etienne Pralong, Maxime Roulet, Jean-Baptiste Ledoux, Eleonora Fornari, Stefano Mandija, Loan Mattera, Roberto Martuzzi, Bruno Nazarian, Stefan Benkler, Simone Callegari, Nathan Greiner, Benjamin Fuhrer, Martijn Froeling, Nik Buse, Tim Denison, Rik Buschman, Christian Wende, Damien Ganty, Jurriaan Bakker, Vincent Delattre, Hendrik Lambert, Karen Minassian, Cornelis van den Berg, Anne Kavounoudias, Silvestro Micera, Dimitri van de Ville, Quentin Barraud, Erkan Kurt, Niels Kuster, Esra Neufeld, Marco Capogrosso, Leonie Asboth, Fabien Bertrand Paul Wagner, Jocelyne Bloch, Grégoire Courtine
- article
- Nature Medicine, 2022, 28 (2), pp.260-271. ⟨10.1038/s41591-021-01663-5⟩
- identifiant
- hal-03693436
- titre
- MRI‐Compatible and Conformal Electrocorticography Grids for Translational Research
- auteur
- Florian Fallegger, Giuseppe Schiavone, Elvira Pirondini, Fabien Wagner, Nicolas Vachicouras, Ludovic Serex, Gregory Zegarek, Adrien May, Paul Constanthin, Marie Palma, Mehrdad Khoshnevis, Dirk van Roost, Blaise Yvert, Grégoire Courtine, Karl Schaller, Jocelyne Bloch, Stéphanie Lacour
- article
- Advanced Science, 2021, 8 (9), ⟨10.1002/advs.202003761⟩
- identifiant
- hal-04837584
- titre
- Neuroprosthetic baroreflex controls haemodynamics after spinal cord injury
- auteur
- Jordan Squair, Matthieu Gautier, Lois Mahe, Jan Elaine Soriano, Andreas Rowald, Arnaud Bichat, Newton Cho, Mark Anderson, Nicholas James, Jerome Gandar, Anthony Incognito, Giuseppe Schiavone, Zoe Sarafis, Achilleas Laskaratos, Kay Bartholdi, Robin Demesmaeker, Salif Komi, Charlotte Moerman, Bita Vaseghi, Berkeley Scott, Ryan Rosentreter, Claudia Kathe, Jimmy Ravier, Laura Mccracken, Xiaoyang Kang, Nicolas Vachicouras, Florian Fallegger, Ileana Jelescu, Yunlong Cheng, Qin Li, Rik Buschman, Nicolas Buse, Tim Denison, Sean Dukelow, Rebecca Charbonneau, Ian Rigby, Steven Boyd, Philip Millar, Eduardo Martin Moraud, Marco Capogrosso, Fabien Bertrand Paul Wagner, Quentin Barraud, Erwan Bezard, Stéphanie Lacour, Jocelyne Bloch, Grégoire Courtine, Aaron Phillips
- article
- Nature, 2021, 590 (7845), pp.308-314. ⟨10.1038/s41586-020-03180-w⟩
- identifiant
- hal-03936914